Experience the excitement of Great Victoria Street and the Dublin Road area as you mingle with the many people enjoying an evening in the centre of Belfast. A number of historic buildings are floodlit, including the City Hall. On the theme of lights, walking along Donegall Place and High Street, you will see an abundance of lighted shop windows. The tour also takes in Laganside, with special lighting effects on the bridges reflecting on the river. Along this fascinating and at places, very romantic, route, your Blue Badge guide brings to light the story of Belfast. The ‘Bigfish’ by John Kindness and the ‘Doll on the Ball’ by Andrew Scott are two of the main highlights of the tour. Following the walking tour, you have an opportunity to enjoy a light meal or even Deli Delights, in one of the many eating establishments offering a variety of dishes from around the world. So, next time you book an evening meal for a group make the evening really special by also booking a ‘Nightlights and Highlights’ walking tour.