Tehuacalco, word related to Nahuatl tehuacalli offers 4 different visits: Prehispanic Monuments, Petroglyphs, Sacred Landscapes and Regional Flora and the Fauna. It is important because it was one of the few seigniories that managed to remain independent from Mexica power, A peculiar characteristic of this archaeological zone is its location between 4 prominent hills, which mark the 4 cardinal points, an important archaeoastronomical site.
Located 60 minutes away from Acapulco, Pyramidal structures, petro glyphs and caves where Sun cults were celebrated are archaeoastronomical elements of this ancient city, Prehispanic site whose peak occurred between Epiclassic and Early Post Classic periods (650 - 1100 AD).
Tehuacalco Archaeological Zone, in Guerrero, is an ancient Yope ceremonial center, one of the few seigniories never dominated by Aztecs, inaugurated in December 16th 2008.