In the atmospheric setting of the Bargello museum, a medieval palace used as a prison during the 16th century, we will visit the city’s most significant collection of Renaissance and ‘mannerist art’. One of the earliest works by Michelangelo on display here is the intriguing Bacchus, the clearest expression of the artist’s youthful sensuality.
We look at other significant works by Michelangelo too, including his Brutus, David-Apollo and the Tondo Pitti. The museum also hosts Donatello’s masterpiece, the bronze David, as well as the David by Verrocchio, another outstanding Renaissance work commissioned by the Medici and recently restored. Another highlight of the Bargello is the glazed terracotta work by Andrea and Luca Della Robbia.
On leaving the Bargello we stroll down the road to look round the imposing church of Santa Croce, where Michelangelo and other distinguished Italians are buried. The tour culminates with a trip to the Galleria dell’Accademia where we marvel at the mastery of Michelangelo’s David, his unfinished Prisoners and the Palestrina Pietà.
Se visitarará el museo del Bargello, donde se exponen obras juveniles de Miguel Angel, entre estas el sensual Baco, el Tondo Pitti y el David-Apolo.
Entraremos en la iglesia de S. Cruz, donde está enterrado el mismo Miguel Angel y otros hombres ilustres. Terminaremos en la Academia donde se encuentra su obra maestra, el David.
La visita inizia al Museo di Casa Buonarroti, dove sono esposte le prime opere giovanili e prosegue con la visita del Museo Nazionale del Bargello che ospita, oltre alle opere di Michelangelo, i capolavori di Donatello, Verrochio e Luca della Robbia.
Visiteremo quindi la Basilica di S. Croce, dove l'artista è sepolto per poi terminare la visita al alla Galleria dell'Accademia con il David, i celebri Prigioni e il S. Matteo.
La visite commencera par le Musée du Bargello où sont exposeés les statues de Bacchus, de Brutus, de David-Apollon et le Tondo Pitti ainsi que les oeuvres d’autres sculpteurs comme Donatello, Verrocchio, Mino de Fiesole, Della Robbia.
Nous vous rendrous ensuite devant le tombeau de Michel-Ange dans l’église de Santa Croce ainsi qu’à la Maison Buonarroti qui abite les premiers chef-d’oeuvre de l’artiste.
Nous nous rendrous ensuite au musée de la Galerie de l’Académie où le carisme et la beauté absolue du David traverset les siecles. D’autres oeuvres nous y attendent: les Captifs, Saint Mathieu, la Pietà de Palestrina.
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